Giving Back

At Hartley Law, we embrace our commitment to making a tangible impact in the world we operate in.

Prioritising purpose over profit, we stand firm on our mission to do good and give back to our community through ongoing partnerships and key initiatives.

We firmly believe that as a business, we bear a collective responsibility to contribute to the creation of a livable society and a thriving planet for future generations.

Conducting our operations with the greatest responsibility and integrity is ingrained in our business ethos. We are committed to continuously improving our efforts to make a real, measurable difference to the society we operate in. 

We approach our work with a strong environmental consciousness, consistently seeking opportunities to improve our practices and reduce our ecological footprint. This dedication to sustainability is deeply rooted in our core values and is reflected in every aspect of our operations.

We are proud to offer pro bono services. By providing free legal assistance to companies and causes that require support, we strive to make legal services accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. Our pro bono work is deeply intertwined with our belief in social responsibility and our dedication to creating a positive impact.

 As a further testament to our commitment to giving back, we actively contribute to charitable causes. We donate a portion of our business proceeds to Refuge, an organisation dedicated to supporting individuals affected by domestic abuse. Additionally, we proudly serve as Partners in Business with the NSPCC, collaborating to protect children and prevent abuse.

By aligning our actions with these values, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the world, fostering positive change and actively shaping a brighter future for all.

Hartley Law is now a Certified B Corporation. This prestigious accreditation is a testament to our commitment to high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. 

As part of the B Lab™ Hartley Law joins an international community of organisations leading the charge towards an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy reinforcing our commitment to using business as a force for good, aligning with a shared vision that transcends borders. Together, creating positive impacts in the world.

B Lab has been instrumental in fostering companies that prioritise social and environmental responsibility alongside financial success, creating standards, policies, tools, and programs that reshape the behaviour, culture, and structure of businesses.

Our inclusion in the B Corp movement means that we are actively contributing to a global shift, moving away from profit-focused models that benefit only a few towards an economy that values the well-being of all people, communities, and the planet. We are proud to be part of this transformative journey.


NSPCC is an organisation that provides vital support to children and families in need. We believe that it is crucial for children to feel heard and supported. After all, they are the ones who shape our future, and as a society, we have a collective responsibility to ensure they have a positive experience within it. We are proud to support their exceptional work, which focuses on safeguarding children, preventing abuse, and empowering families in need.

You can find out more about the great work they do here >


Refuge is our chosen Charity of the Year. Refuge is the largest domestic abuse organisation in the UK. It supports thousands of victims of domestic abuse, helping them to overcome the emotional, financial and physical impacts of abuse.

You can find out more about the great work they do here >

The Good Business Charter

At Hartley Law, we are driven by our commitment to being a “good business,” which is reflected in our accreditations and practices. As proud members of the Good Business Charter, we uphold fair employment contracts, ensuring that our employees are treated with respect and paid the Living Wage. We value the input and perspectives of our employees and clients, actively listening to their feedback and incorporating it into our decision-making processes.

The Prompt Payment Code

Recognising the importance of prompt payment, we have also joined the Government’s Prompt Payment Code. Our commitment to ethical business practices is evident in our timely payments to suppliers, ensuring that they are compensated within 30 days.

Pro Bono

Our pro bono work is deeply intertwined with our belief in social responsibility and our dedication to creating a positive impact. We understand that legal challenges can be overwhelming and stressful, particularly for causes and companies faced with complex financial circumstances. By offering our expertise pro bono, we aim to alleviate some of this burden and contribute to a more equitable society. This aligns seamlessly with our broader mission of fostering a livable society and a thriving planet for future generations.

A notable example of our pro bono efforts is our collaboration with Victoria’s Promise, an inspiring charity dedicated to supporting young women with cancer and their families. By completing various projects for Victoria’s Promise free of charge, we are proud to play a small part in supporting the charity’s incredible efforts. Our involvement with such a fantastic cause underscores our commitment to making a real difference in the lives of those we serve. 

Environmental sustainability is a key priority for us.

We strive to minimise our ecological impact by using recycled paper whenever feasible and sourcing from local and ethical suppliers. Our dedication to sustainability extends beyond our internal practices; we aim to foster a diverse and inclusive team, as outlined in our equality and diversity policy,

Read more here >

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